Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Four Things the Church in Acts did Well

Four Things the Church in Acts did Well- part two:

They made Christianity a lifestyle

Seriously, being a Christian was not a social, hobby, or denominational thing, it was life! These people would eat, sleep, and think Jesus. They sold their lives out for Him and expected nothing in return but Jesus Himself.

Today, Christianity in America is a thing of convenience. If Jesus fits my schedule, if I’m not busy, if I can’t make time then sure I will be a devoted follower of Christ. It’s amazing that we will wake up at five in the morning and go hunting and fishing, we will play golf in the drizzling rain, we will be at the stores the midnight after thanksgiving and shop all night, and yet we complain about serving Jesus throughout the week. The bottom line is we will do what we want to do.
Peter hung upside down on a cross beside his wife, Paul was beheaded, James was beheaded, Poly Carp was burned at the stake, and thousands of others have been persecuted and martyred because they took this whole Christian deal seriously. These people gave up their life for the cause of Christ and didn’t look back.

I was talking to Tracy Claytor the other day, who just got back from Zambia, which is in Africa. He told me about these church planters who they commissioned to go out and plant churches. He said “all they need is a little piece of land and a mud hut and they would plant a church”. It made me feel pretty dang small! When are we going to realize that we can’t worry what about this world or what they think of us? We have to simply live every breath of our life for Jesus!

Is Christianity a lifestyle or something we do on the weekend?

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