Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Why do people give up on Church?

Here’s a challenging question! Why do people quit Church? I would love input from all of you. Over the next week I am going to address what I believe is the top ten reasons people quit Church. Maybe you’ve been there and I would love to hear from you!

Top 5 things happening at Shoal Creek right now:

5. Sunday’s service! I am fired up about the message. So many people think that God will not use them and I believe their wrong and Sunday I believe God will show them!!!

4. Changing our worship services! We are going to turn our services around and try some new things.

3. Our upcoming year! We have nothing but great things to look forward to and the upcoming year is just a taste of what God is going to do.

2. Our forty days of prayer! We have one person a day coming until September 9 praying at our Church and I am more excited about that than I am Georgia football!!!

1. Our Sunday school in September! Man I am praying for over thirty in Sunday school! Now I know that don’t seem like much but that would double our average Sunday school attendance!!!

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