Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Awesome people in my life: Part 1

I have a lot of friends who are pastors and I listen to a lot of pastors preach and teach. Deacons have become the grunt of several jokes that pastors tell. Now I know that many times it’s just a joke. But I want to take a second and say something to the deacons at Shoal Creek Baptist Church. There is not a group of guys that I would exchange our deacons for. They support me in everything I do as a pastor and I would trust them with my life. We have monthly meetings and talk most every week by phone at least and there is not a one of them that I couldn’t call on. Seriously, they pray for me, encourage me, and lift me up to others even when I don’t deserve it.

Now let me say this as well. Somebody is probably thinking wow they must be getting ready to vote on something huge. Well we’re not but we do have a huge work for Christ and I need those guys to accomplish it. So deacons let me say this keep up the good work, keep loving people, and keep loving Jesus.

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